Things I learned 2018:
* Fear speaks as a distant relative. Scolding you to preserve its ties. Masked as concern, yet wholly withdrawn from the intention of your wellbeing
* Empathy makes rock bottom feel like "down to earth"; whilst sympathy sustains rock bottom
* I have carefully recalled situations where people repeatedly show you pictures of themselves when you never asked. In all of the examined situations, it's never been okay or interesting or made me admire their self worth
•Never get on the bad side of small minded people who have a little bit of authority. The combination is lethal
•In order to protect ourselves from the undeniable existence of emotional discomfort, sadness and heartbreak; we create and partner with lies. Vague drafts of the truth that momentarily eases our pain. Only to rip us further away from the reality of the value we possess, the risks we are capable of taking and the community we belong to.
* If our destination is the prize, then the reward is in the journey. It’s like getting a ride versus learning to drive.
* Leaning into uncomfortable conversations and thoughts takes a great deal of willingness and courage. The result of this process will always be authenticity over resolve.
* I could re-learn everything I learned in 2017 and this time even manage to pass the test.
•Self worth is like the passport to your identity. It helps you recognize ‘glory to glory’ and frees you to travel within it.
* The people that want to bring you down are the same people that also need a shoulder to cry on. Be the shoulder not the ear
* Kindness is a currency that reaps providence beyond finances
* Grattitude is the result of a disciplined practice, whereas, creativity isn’t. You train for one and have inherited the other.
* Unleashing creativity can feel like scooping peanut butter off a freshly opened jar or like being abandoned in a dodgy neighborhood without a cellphone.