Thing I learned 2014:

•Relationships are like pickles, it's delicious when preserved.

•Anything can be cool if you decide it is and you can do everything or nothing with that information.

•14 is the new 21

•Not all successful musicians are stereotypically confused souls and sometimes it's not stupid that you fall hard on your face for one.

* Always give your baristas Christmas cards; for you will be rewarded.

* The appropriation of an Educator has shifted from simply providing information to understanding how much of it is distributed and to whom.

* Success is is something that's always within your reach, because you get to define it.

* I am starting to graduate this social monster "likes" culture. I need to find and befriend my abdomen where my soul is. Not the person that liked the picture of my food.

* Love designed to captivate cheats you from feeling liberated and free.


Things I learned 2015: