Things I learned 2015:
•The older you get the smaller your life circle
•As soon as you recognise the true strengths you possess, your weaknesses stop being your insecurities and remain mere facts.
•People don't like funny when the joke's on them
•The imminence of spirituality in our current culture is as complicated as a conversation or as simple as a national outbreak
•Accusation of character presented in a way that is unproductive can gnaw at the cables of your heart. However; it is for us to create an atmosphere where we can be taught without the teacher being at a loss.
•After the age of 25 any sort of personal growth is a mental and spiritual work out
•When you cherish a heart, you help a character blossom
•Students no longer see a purpose in doing boring stuff that's eventually beneficial. So they won't go from A to B because they see the benefits of C. Therefore teachers have to constantly make the hard work as exciting as the reward.
•Change is like the incoming or out going of money; you're either phased by it or you aren't
•If the inner dialogue of a creative mind is spirit filled and thought provoking then it should break free. I learn from conversation as much as I learn from a well made movie
•What you think you do and what you actually do, often has a gap in between
•80% of these clever life hacks are utter lies. I still can't open jars any faster or braid my hair any better.
•Everyone talks behind everyone's back. Like. Everyone. Me. You. Him. Her. Them. Maybe even that.
Make sure your back is forever beautiful, it gets a lot of attention.
•If I'm the smartest in a room full of people, it's me thats dumb.
•There are People who seek success and there are people who seek wisdom. People who seek success work from a place of fear and the people seeking wisdom work from a place of love. It has proven to be as simple and unarguable as that to me.