Things I learned 2016:
* The two channels to learning (emotional intelligence and intellect) will meet at a point in your life. Sit back and let it punch you. The pain turns into a new channel for more learning.
* People will give you advice that parallels what your faith or hope tells you. This contradiction can lead to confusion and unhappiness. Surround yourself with people who actually live the solution they're freely giving you.
* There are times when you need to soldier up and earn victory. Then there are times you get to sit on a throne and receive an inheritance. Best you know the difference.
* If you wake up on a bed and pull your outfit for the day from a closet, you a rich man
* Education should be like releasing a helium balloon into the skies. You don't need to know where the lessons you taught went if you trust its value.
* A year is a long or a short time depending on how you wait it out. I was jobless, homeless and relationship-less in January. This January I have all three and much much more.
* Speaking of waiting: when life gives you phases of overwhelming nothingness, make sure you wait well. No gig is too insignificant and no job too small.
* Networking has boiled down to a mindless hustle in the way of 'small talk' about big dreams. Real, authentic relationship that tends to get ugly is where the fruit is really at. Ugliness helps us recognize what beauty is.
* Stop feeding your boyfriend peanuts consistently. He's allergic 😑
* Aging goes beyond physical appearance, the longer you deny it physically the more you miss out on its emotional and social benefits.
* I can most definitely turn up my "basic bitch" vibe when it comes to Corona. I need that lime, not no lemon for me.
* You always know more than you think. Your mind may run dry but your heart is a fresh spring of life.
* There isn't a formula for Grace. Stop worrying about learning how to deserve it.
* People who think their customers are the people bringing in the money are stuck in the 90s. Your employees are your gold. Treasure them.
* God is so much better and kinder than you know or can imagine.
* People will only tell you you won't make it to trip you up. Don't let it trip you up.
* Life is beautifully simple, the complexity lies in understanding the very fact.