Things I learned 2022:

  • The urgency to create can stifle creativity itself. The fear of urgency will also do the same.

  • Boundaries are indicators of self-worth and the armor of health, respecting people's perspectives but revering your ability to show up for yourself.

  • Question everything. Discard all indissoluble truths. Repeat.

  • Uncertainty either rots, marinates, or pickles a situation. You get to choose the outcome based on your effort in leaning into it

  • Access to a therapist is a privilege for some. Access to a remarkable therapist is pure juju. Healing, however, is a necessity for everyone.

  • Non-judgment and relatability spark the kind of eagerness in a classroom that power dynamics and knowledge superiority simply cannot.

  • Your superpower in the face of adversity is to ask yourself what your needs are in the moment and meet them with compassion.

  • Prayer is a sacred journey to awareness. People praying on others’ behalf, is a weaponized tool for spiritual bypassing.

  • Recognizing that you hold the keys to safety within your identity, turns every buffet into a potluck. People who want to solely be fed will not allow safety but commensalism always does.

  • Transitioning from one community to another allows you to clearly see the attentive relationships and the transactional ones.

  • There are times when you must mind your business and times when you absolutely must not. #letitrip

  • True authenticity is holding room for the suspension of both good and bad, trust and doubt, and judgment and acceptance to exist together. The complexity of this very dualism is what makes us human.


Things I learned 2023:


Things I learned in 2021: