Things I learned 2023:

  • Compliments from others should always be of lesser value to you than the intrinsic understanding of your worth. When the stock market of compliments dip, you may crash

  • You cannot confront your fears if you run away from its triggers.

  • If you do not have atleast 3-4 Whatsapp groups with them...are they even your friends?

  • In 2024, people will receive invoices for sessions I have with my therapist. If they are willing to sponsor them emotionally, they best sponsor them financially too. ;D

  • When creating art, you mustn't let the technical ability silence the story you are trying to tell.

  • Comparison can be a deadly poison. I don't want it anywhere near my students without checking its dosage.

  • You can be completely holy and completely devilish to the same person. Our humanity is much too nuanced for the idea of an exclusive "either/or". There's a sweet sense of freedom in approaching dualism this way.

  • Pride is the greatest accompaniment to fear. The greater the pride the bigger the fear.

  • Collective success individual credit.


Things I learned 2022: